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About Us

Mufti Fazil Muhammad Farman Sulaiman

Director of Jamia Mashhudia Institute of Islamic Studies 

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Mufti Fazil Muhammad Farman Sulaiman 12 YEARS OF ARABIC TEACHING EXPERT is a teacher in Madrasa Jamia Arabia Mashhudia since 2009-10

He is completed Almiyat Course from Madrasa Ameenia Kashmiri Gate, Delhi. He is also done exercises Ifta in Madrasa Jamia Arabia Mashhudia by the shekhain in 2009-10. He also completed 2 years Arabic Diploma Course from National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language by ( MHRD ), Department of Higher Education

He completed fazilat exam of Calcutta Madrasa College 2020-21.

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